MORE: Best Streaming Players: Chromecast, Roku, Apple TV & More (You can register channels with weaker signals yourself, or just ditch them.) Once you connect everything (about five minutes), the device uses your antenna to detect and register all channels with sufficient signal strength and connect your box with your account. Setup requires a computer or a mobile device in order to visit the Simple.TV setup page and follow the instructions there.

Visit Simple.TV's setup page for detailed step-by-step instructions. If you don't connect all the wires in the order instructed, you'll have to disconnect everything and start again. Once you've gotten Simple.TV in place, the setup process is fairly straightforward, although you'll need to set aside at least half an hour for it.

In my tests at home, I found a spot that just about worked, although I did have to contend with tripping over the too-short antenna wire stretched taut from my window to my TV stand. Maneuvering the Simple.TV into a spot that's close to a window and an outlet and a router can be a problem. Just about every other set-top box on the market has Wi-Fi (or Wi-Fi and Ethernet). The power cord and antenna are understandable, but the Ethernet connection can be something of a challenge. The Simple.TV requires three cables to function properly: a power cord, a TV antenna and an Ethernet cable. If your home network router isn't near a window, you're in for a headache.